How to check if a Debian update is available

Oct 27, 2023


Sometimes we need to patch packages on OS distributions which are close or past EOL.

If upstream updates are still available, it saves us a lot of effort patching dependencies from binary.

To verify if an upstream update is available (e.g. curl), you can search in the security-tracker website like below:

On my recent search, Debian Buster should receive a u7 update:

buster (security)7.64.0–4+deb10u7

In my environment, I could only patch to u6.

# apt-cache policy curl
Installed: 7.64.0-4+deb10u6
Candidate: 7.64.0-4+deb10u6

A simple fix is to run apt update , then the new update candidate will be shown:

# apt-cache policy curl
Installed: 7.64.0-4+deb10u6
Candidate: 7.64.0-4+deb10u7

